Monday, May 24, 2010


The actual technology that they were using in the classroom seemed to be interesting like the Apple Works. The question does arrise about the program needing Apple computers...I assume. I don't even know where to look for Apple computers at our school, but the program seems interesting and helpful. Especially if they are using differentiated instruction in the way that they allow students to use a non-linguistic form of their assignments as well. In fact, I believe with programs like that it would be a lot simpler to differentiate instruction according to learning styles. For instance: my husband is not a "good reader" but seems to read better from text that is on the computer. Also, if a student, like my husband, needs further assistance it would be very easy to copy and paste into a word document in order to highlight areas or space it out the way the student would need it to be for educational success.


  1. I would assume that there is similar technology for pc's as well; if not, someone should call Microsoft! As I already said in class (similar to your husband), I'm not very adept at linguistics so if technology can utilize my other strengths (kinesthetics, pictures, rhythms, etc) then I would definitely be a proponent of its implementation.

  2. How do you feel about implementing technology according to "teaching style" as well? Or do you believe technology belongs in every classroom?

  3. Kind of responding to Emily, I think it is the duty of the teacher to incorporate technology into the classroom just because that is where students are at today. They (and we) live in a world where if you dont know the lastest computer programs, etc, you will fall behind, especially in the job market. I think technology and computer programs can and should definitely work and agree with the teacher's "teaching style". Otherwise, the teacher probably won't use it enough or effectively.
