Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Imovie Reflection

Danielle and Erin and I created an IMovie about digital Blooms Taxonomy and Constructivism. Blooms Taxonomy has evolved from basic classroom higher order of thinking to defined ways of critically thinking by creating, publishing, blogging etc. Constructivism ties in with the higher order of thinking in that the foundationally based thinking skills need to be in place in order to get to that next level that highly qualified teachers are supposed to be at.

Using a mindmap in the beginning helped with the brainstorming process. Since we had already worked with garage band and the podcast assignment the process went a lot faster on the audio part of the project. I worked on the script while Danielle did part of the research and found some pictures. After creating a power point, we took a screen shot and made all of our power point pictures that we then dragged into the IMovie. It was slightly difficult to integrate the music, soundbites, and the voice over, but soon we figured it out. We were able to find royalty free soundbites that went along with our pictures. Danielle also found a friend who composes music, so that part of the project was very simple. Using smart art and google images using a strict filter to obtain royalty free graphs about blooms taxonomy and constructivism.

Google Doc/Site collaboration site: googledoc


Blooms and ITC Tools. (n.d.). Educational Origami. Retrieved June 15, 2010, from http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom%27s+and+ICT+tools

The Connected Classroom. (n.d.). Dell. Retrieved June 15, 2010, from http://www.techlearning.com/article/8670

McKenzie, W. (2004, March 1). Technology Constructivism. Educational World. Retrieved June 15, 2010, from http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech005.shtml

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